Sunday, January 3, 2010

Celebrating Tea in 2010

Happy New Year! I hope that your new year, like mine, has gotten off to a great start!

One of the things I look forward to each year is the idea of getting back to basics in January. I like to take the opportunity to simplify and clarify things in my life at the beginning of each year. I step back and look at my life and my business. I make goals and strategize on how to reach them. While looking at the big picture, I try to appreciate the little things.

This year, part of my simplification for January involves celebrating Hot Tea Month. Each day in January, I'm focusing on a different tea. For example, on New Year's Day, I drank a silver needle from Teance. The next day, I drank a silver needle from American Tea Room. Today, I drank a Bai Mu Dan. During the next week, I'll drink a different green tea each day... and so on it goes. Each day, I'll take on the simple act appreciating a different tea, but there's an overall goal to the exercise -- to re-educate my tea palate in a very straightforward way by reacquainting myself with a range of teas.

Of course, there are plenty of other ways to celebrate hot tea month. (In fact, I came up with a list of 31 ways to celebrate hot tea month for How are you celebrating Hot Tea Month or using January as a time to rekindle your love of tea?


Marilyn Miller said...

I will celebrate by drinking a different pot of tea each morning. Good idea!

Vee said...

Thanks, Marilyn. I hope you enjoy your January tea adventure!

By the way, I am looking forward to pairing your jam with some black teas later in the month. (Wrapped up Japanese greens yesterday and am moving on to Chinese greens today. Next up: oolongs.)

Steph said...

I, too, hope your January adventure is going well! And to both my NW tea blogging friends, I will know for sure of my move in about 2 weeks.

Vee said...

Hey, Steph! It's going very well. Moved on to black tea today.

We'd love to have you in the area!!! I can't wait to hear what happens. :)