Monday, July 23, 2007

Travel Plans

I think today warrants two posts. Of course, I already posted a tea article because it's a Monday and that's what happens on Vee Tea on Mondays. However, today is not just any Monday for me. Today is when the countdown begins, at least in my mind.

In two weeks exactly, I'll be in London enjoying low (afternoon) tea with my friend Natalia. Then we're off to India for three weeks to visit various tea estates and meet up with artist Rajive and web designer (of Vee Tea fame) Pat. Each of us has our own agenda (mine being the tea!), but we'll also experience the culture and landscape, buy beautiful fabrics, enjoy the food, learn some more Hindi, get rained on a lot, and be thankful for the cool Darjeeling air after we leave the heat of Kolcata (formerly Calcutta). Perhaps while I'm there I can learn more about Indian cooking, too. I'm so excited, I can hardly wait! Be sure to check back here--I'll be keeping a travel blog whenever possible.

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