Monday, September 22, 2008

Coffee Blossom Tea

My sister lives in London and gets to travel all over Europe at the drop of a hat. (Lucky!!!) I get some benefits from her location, too -- she helps keep me attuned to European tea trends. A little while back, she sent me a link to a London tea shop where they sell coffee blossom tea. It's white or black tea scented with the flowers of the coffee blossom, similar to jasmine teas. How innovative! Here's an excerpt from their site:

While revisiting Handunugoda Tea Estate in the south of Sri Lanka last summer I came across a coffee bush in full bloom and was overwhelmed by the amazing aroma of the white blossoms. Knowing how jasmine flowers are used to scent tea, I thought it would be interesting to try the same process with coffee flowers so I talked to Herman Gunaratne whose family have been growing tea and cinnamon at Handunugoda for over a hundred years about making this innovative tea...

Cool! It's available worldwide. Here's their full tea list.

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