Monday, June 11, 2007

New Article: Tisane Listing, Part 2

The new article for the week is up! It's called Tisane Listing, Part 2 and it picks up where Tisane Listing, Part 1 left off. Here's an excerpt:

Ginger root makes a delicious tisane that is useful for colds, flu, sore throats, and nausea. The "kick" in its flavor can increase heart rate and circulation, and aid in draining the sinuses. It’s most effective in fighting fever-related illnesses if drunk without sweeteners, but lemon juice makes a nice addition in terms of taste and nutrition.

Ginkgo Leaf
Ginkgo is best known for its memory-related functions, which have to do with an increased peripheral circulation in the brain. (These effects are best achieved in conjunction with the intake of ginseng.) It is also used as a strong antioxidant, a treatment for tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and a treatment for a range of other circulatory and nerve conditions.

Ginseng Root
Ah, the famed ginseng root. High-quality ginseng can fetch enormous prices in Korea and China. It is known to have adaptogens (which aid the body in dealing with emotional and physical stress), to regulate the immune system, and to prevent some types of disease. In Asia, it is also used as a treatment for heart conditions, fever, and other conditions. There is some evidence that it may benefit type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and asthma, but more research is necessary in these areas. Ginseng is marketed in men’s sports drinks and other energy-related products as a means of activating male hormones, but this is not supported by clinical evidence. Chrysanthemum blossoms or rock sugar may be mixed with the root to mask its bitter taste.

Goji Berry
Goji berries are one of the hot "new" herbs on the market. They have been used for thousands of years in China, Tibet, and India to improve circulation, improve eyesight, increase sexual function, protect the liver, and promote longevity. Many marketers claim it is effective in fighting cancer. Little research has been done on these claims and uses, but it has been shown to be high in antioxidants. The juice is marketed heavily in the U.S. health food "scene," but it is incredibly expensive and makes numerous unsubstantianted health claims. The dried berries are commonly brewed into a tisane in Eastern medicine. Before shelling out loads of cash on the juice, I’d suggest trying the infusion. If nothing else, it tastes good.

Greek Mountain Tea
Also known as "Tea of the Mountain" (pronounced TSAH-ee too voo-NOO), Shepherd’s Tea, and a handful of other names, Greek mountain tea is a very popular cold remedy and cure-all in the Mediterranean. It is cultivated in parts of Greece and proliferates in the wild. Outside of Greece and in tourist areas, it can be expensive, but it is very well-priced in Greek grocery stores, markets, pharmacies, and herb shops.

Check out the rest of the listing in the Vee Tea articles section!

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